Why do good photos sell more?

Selling home during this trying times in the real estate business is hard enough. You don’t want to hurt yourself more by uploading unattractive photos. What we want to happen is to put up the “SOLD “ sign out in the lawn.

For Photographers

Please make sure that the home owner has prepared their home for a photography session to get outstanding results. There’s nothing more devastating than showing up for a shoot and the home is a wreck. Not everyone thinks the way you do!

  1. Move garbage bins away.
  2. Keep garden tools out of sight.
  3. Make sure that your lawn is well manicured.
  4. Keep newspapers and magazines.
  5. Clean kitchen counters.
  6. Clean bathroom area.
  7. Make sure that the refrigerator door is clean from kid’s drawings.
  8. Vehicles must be out of sight.
  9. Pets should not be seen roaming around.
  10. Clear driveways.
  11. Clear sidewalks.

For Homeowners and Agents

Why are good photos more effective than the bad ones? We all know how much impact a good photo has on us. No one can tell you what a good photo really is but you know one when you see one. You will feel it. You will be emotionally moved. Just like when you go window shopping, the first thing that will attract you is the physical appearance and it continues to linger on your mind. You will not forget the way it looks. When you upload your listings, even thumbnails can attract at one glance. Photos really make a good impression and first impressions last.

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