Online Real Estate Marketing

Realtor Internet Marketing revolves around a well-designed website. It should be built specifically for you, rather than from a common template that has been sold to Realtors by the hundreds. Far too many Realtors are using the same template or simply posting their own picture on the Internet, with a little bio beneath. Since over 80% of consumers use the Internet, of course, any web presences whatsoever is beneficial, but to truly have an effective website design you should have a unique, professional and customized look.

Design and Build

The first place to begin is with a unique and customized design. However, creating your own website is a lot of work. And if you get it right the first time you’ll reap the rewards for years to come. The focus of your design should be usability. Are your visitors finding what they need? Are they returning because they like your content and are starting to think of you as an informed agent capable of assisting them with their needs? Conversely, what is a website that manages your leads, streamlines your work for efficiency, and has automated real estate marketing solutions you can rely on while you’re busy “closing” leads, prospects and clients. Good website design is critical to this process as a user-friendly design and layout are features that actually bring users to your site and keep them there.

Search Engine Friendly

Optimized Web Site information can help you get your Real Estate Agent Websites indexed by search engines faster.

And a key to that is the uniqueness and quality of your content. Well written, unique information will get you noticed by human visitors and search engine spiders alike, while poorly written information is virtually assured to get you ignored. High search engine ranking websites typically have hundreds of pages of good, interesting information. And search engines love great content, so the more content pages you have the more often they visit and index them.

Making Your Visitors Happy

The more interactive your site is the more visitors and search engines will like it. You can provide answers to frequently asked questions, display your listings and a list of services you provide, educate visitors about buying, selling and financing options and help consumers determine the type of homes available in their price ranges.

Build Your Own Website

There are many website builders available that provide all the tools you will need to build your Real Estate Agent Websites, quickly and inexpensively. These comprehensive sites are fully automated, so you simply go through a menu selection and in a matter of minutes your real estate website can be up and running.

To find out more, search “build a website” on the Internet

You can slowly build hundreds of pages and literally take months to do it, or you can fast track your real estate agent website building efforts by using prewritten, high quality, great website content articles! I frequently use them to create website content and find them indispensable. Finally, over 80% of today’s consumers use the Internet to gather information. Now is the time for you to be effectively marketing to them with your very own visitor pulling real estate agent website.

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